Featured Technology

No fine print, no compromises, no exceptions.

With every UNILUX aluminium clad window you obtain a passive house star no matter the type of design. DesignLine, LivingLine or ModernLine, all series meet the stringent passive house windows criteria.

Passive House Stars – built to save energy.

UNILUX DesignLine  0.8

The attractive way to save on energy costs (heating or cooling). The DesignLine aluminium clad wood window range combines architectural elegance and state-of-the-art energy efficiency.  Uncompromising in terms of aesthetics, it is designed for high-quality residential buildings and condominium buildings

UNILUX ModernLine  0.8

Modern architecture classics have served as ideal for this series. The aluminum clad windows type ModernLine get by without embellishments or frippery. With their clear, straight lines, they are perfect for contemporary house and building with a city flair.

UNILUX LivingLine  0.8

Some things never need to change. The aluminium clad windows in the LivingLine series are so discreet that they fit harmoniously into any traditional architecture, and are very attractive when renovating older buildings as well.

UNILUX DesignLine  0.7

Energy savings at the highest level. Thermal value improves by 46% compared to a standard windows. This is made possible by a special impermeable core, gas-filled triple-pane glass, “warm-edge” spacers, double-sided (invisible) low-e-coating and a total glass thickness of 17/8”/48 mm.

UNILUX ModernLine  0.7

Three glass panes with a thickness of nearly 5mm(2”), a custom-designed insulating core, thermally isolated spacers, special filling gas, and invisible coating on both sides improve insulation values by 46% compared to conventional windows.

UNILUX LivingLine  0.7

In addition to a third glazing layer for a glass thickness of almost two inches, the LivingLine 0.7 has a custom- designed insulating core, special filling gas, invisible coating on both sides, and thermally isolated spacers. This makes its thermal insulation 46% better than a standard window.

