Our Service

        Building and Process Analysis

       Holistic energy concepts

       Comparison of design variants

       Life Cycle Costing


         Building Certification故宫项目图_副本_副本.jpg

       Consultancy towards  LEED, DGNB, HQE, and CGBL

       Consultancy towards  Passive House, Energyplus House, Energy Passport in Germany

       Consultancy for energy management according to  ISO 50001


        Design and Design Review

       Design of MEP system and building physics, workable in the Chinese market

       Design review of submittals by the Local Design Institutes

       Quality control of tendering documents for MEP

       On-site quality control


        Commissioning and Energy Audits

       StartUp and commissioning of MEP systems

       Energy Audits for optimization of operation and technology upgrade in operating facilities

       Long term logging of temperature, humidity, air CO2, light, motor operation, and power demand

       Infrared imaging of building envelope and process equipment